Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dogs Are The New Cats

Dogs are the new Cats…………..06/20/10

I’m a dog person, I’ve always loved dogs and in my opinion the bigger the better! Small dogs remind me too much of house cats, which I’m not too much of a fan of ;) haha. A lot of people love dogs, and that’s easily understood because a majority of these furry friends are very kind. Dog’s are servants but better yet they are one of my most favorite metaphors for the kind of love that humans only dream about having.
            For those who have a dog you will know what I’m talking about, for the unfortunate ones who don’t I’ll try my best to paint the picture. A dog will follow you around the house like you’re the most interesting person in the entire world. We leave every day for 8 hours of work and when we come home they act like you’ve been gone for 8 weeks and are just as excited to see you home as they were for the previous day and the day before that. They will cry and run away from you if you accidentally hurt them or hit/kick them if you’re that kind of owner. But the next time you call their name or walk into the room they’ve forgotten about anything you’ve done and they run to you with their tail wagging in the most forgiving way possible. A dog is a servant, and can be seen literally as a guide dog for the blind.  They will do anything to make you happy and when you are sad they too will reflect your mentality as they lay down, always close by, looking sad as well. They are the perfect servant and always at attention to your every whim.
In ancient times, Egyptians would worship cats for they saw them as divine creatures, gods in a mortal form sort to speak. The Egyptians had a lot of cool ideas but I think they just barely missed the mark on this one. Sure cats will walk around the house as if they themselves actually are gods, however they show very little divine characteristics and rather show more human emotion than divine. I mentioned earlier that a dog is a metaphor for love that we only dream about obtaining, that love is the top of the tier and it’s the only love that God gives to us, unconditional. No matter what we do here, God loves us. He loves me more than anything else, and He loves you equally, He loves the Queen of England the EXACT same and He loves the person waiting on death row as equally too. I touched upon the subject earlier when I said that you can hurt a dog and they will come back forgiving and forgetting that you had just caused them physical pain. Sure they may be more cautious or wince if you raise your hand, even non-threateningly, but they return to you with full trust and obedience because it is your love that they want more than anything. Not many people will get hurt in any way by somebody they love and turn around within 2 minutes and 100% forgive with out any condition, no terms needed to be met nor anything said – that is unconditional. I’ve had the pleasure of living with two golden retrievers and they both have been full of personality as well as concern. My new puppy, Mufasa, will follow me around no matter where I go or what I do to him. I can yell at him and pin him on the ground, physically make him cry when he bites me too hard and as soon as I walk away he jumps up and follows 1 foot behind me. Not only did these dogs reflect God’s love for me but they also truly reflect how a servant should live for his God. How I should be living for Him and not them.
Perhaps it could be easier to live more like Jesus if we had a guide outside of a written text that tells us to do so. A lot of people are visual learners and its already hard enough to just read the bible and obey. If you have a dog, take notes and do as they do with everyone around you. Practice first on your family and friends and see how radical of a change you will make in your life. It is very difficult to try and love unconditionally, possibly the most difficult thing to do is to forgive and forget 100% but we have to at least try. And once we practice a little we can then move on to other people, co-workers, classmates, anyone that we are blessed to meet in our lives here on Earth. I encourage you to go out and treat your relationships like your dog treats you, give it some time and just see how much your life can change in a positive direction.

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