Tuesday, March 1, 2011


No matter where you go, there are always going to be that one guy/gal that thinks they are better than everyone else they all have a different mindset "I'm stronger" "girl power, I don’t need a man" "what is your major again?" "What college were you accepted into?" and if you are one of those people, and you should know who I am talkin’ about than I have only one piece of advise for you...

Go look at the stars...

I don’t mean from your window, I don’t mean go run outside and look at them for 10 seconds... stand, lay do whatever you want to do, but just look SILENTLY into the night sky...
Now, what I want you to do is think while you are looking up there silently... think about the huge vastness of what you are looking at, imagine that the light from some of those stars have traveled for millions of years in order for you to see them, some of those stars burned out a few hundred years ago, but the light still is traveling towards us... feel that?
That shrinking feeling? The kind of feeling you get when you drop suddenly into a freefall, the feeling you get when you are publicly cut down. Or the feeling you get when you are just denied by the one person you have feelings for? Crazy huh?
So mason, what are you saying? What you are feeling or what you are hopefully feeling is a humbling sensation... Every time I go and stop and look up I realize my place and it is just a reminder, a humble reminder that God has left for us. Need an answer? Feeling lost? Let me help ya out...
In my opinion God created the universe for many reasons, one of which I think is to humble ourselves. Those times when we cut down a person because he/she is larger than us, or perhaps too scrawny, or maybe in your eyes wasn't blessed with the good looks? Yea you know what I’m talkin about, this is why He created it, so we can realize what we really are, and how small we really are. Still feel big? Powerful? Able to conquer the world?
I'm sorry to say but let me put it in a scale for you, if Earth was the entire universe than mother Earth (our entire planet) would be about the size of a taste bud on an ANT!!! Still think you are tall and mighty?
Now, I don’t want to lose you so brace yourself... God created that... that never-ending mixture of blackness with a tiny speck of light every so often... yea he created it, so don’t you think you could take a couple minutes out of your, I know, "oh so busy" lifestyle to thank him, perhaps humble yourself to him... although you may be realizing how small and insignificant you are right now, I just want you to know, that you are small but you are NOT insignificant... why?
Because God created you, he created you just like he created the universe... pretty sweet huh? Is it much for Him to ask a little bit of us? Common now, stop boasting about your petty achievements because guess what you still haven't created something out of NOTHING... sorry to burst your bubble but somebody needs to rain on your parade so here I am... and before you call me a hypocrite, I want u to backtrack up a little bit I am giving you this advise because it has worked for myself. Yea so we get lost a couple times, its ok, as long as we find the trail again, its when we get too lost that it becomes an issue, but just remember no matter how far off into the woods away from the trail you get, you can always find yourself back immediately, all you have to do is look up at night...

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