Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Happiness… everybody wants it, everybody finds it, everybody has it… some pursue it for many years, others it is handed to them and they don't even recognize the blessing… Other's search and search and convince themselves that there is none in the world for them to share… We all have it, but where do we find it? If you have $50 lost inside your house, do you have $50?

Depends on how you look at it, you could say that its there, and its just waiting for you to find it, or you can say its not, because no matter where you look, u find nothing and if anything, pennies…

I'm so caught up looking for the $50 bill straight up, that I don't stop to collect the coins… the pennies and nickels… so instead of collecting a bunch of little things that create happiness in my life I ignore them and search for something bigger. I want the 7/11 Big Gulp drink of happiness, not the $.25 lemonade stand shots… you know what I mean… go big or go home right?

Well maybe not, maybe that is the way into a perpetual loop of ignorance, that leads to nothing, and if anything, most likely pain… Hollywood endings are far and few between, if your banking on the girl of your dreams hating you and falling deeply in love with you when you do nothing, yea right… or maybe it's a financial hope of inheriting or winning a lump sum of money that will pay your way through college and more… once again, I'm going to have to chose reality on this one…

Collect the pennies, nickels and dimes… they may be small, but they add up to quite a bit… they could be nothing more than a certain someone's smile, being recognized, or laughing with a certain group of people, doesn't have to be something huge, but its happiness, and guess what, it adds up, soon you get to discover that more and more little things will get you to smile, they take your mind off of the present worry/stress and when you collect enough of those, you will find that having a thousand things that make you happy is better than one major one.

So think about what makes you happy, don't start a list, you will find out that you're only leaving more and more out, so just think about it and surround yourself with it, the world never needs sadness, there is plenty of it already for us to add unnecessary amounts of it.

We've all heard it "smile because you never know who's fallen in love with it" yea, that's a little to original and gay, I'm not sending that message but I will say this, when you are sitting down in a public place, notice how you just start watching people, just random people, figuring out their possible lifestyle just by watching them for 5 seconds and then you move on, we don't even realize it half the time but we do it, and if we do it, than that means we as well are being analyzed.

So either way people are going to be predicting your life, so instead of making them guess what is causing you to be gloomy, throw them for a loop, leave them guessing what is making you so happy…

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