Tuesday, March 1, 2011


(just my opinion)

So, Lately I've been trying something new, it's called "love everybody equally". I know, your thinking, that's cool, but everybody? Yes, the gays the straights, the whites and the spades, everybody all loved equally. It's a challenge; will you attempt it with me? If you think you are not quite there, sweet that's cool, but I do want you to try this sometime in your life, because it will be life changing.

 Put serial killers in the same category as your mother, your enemy on the same platform as your girl/boyfriend. Is this going to be hard? Oh yeah. Is it necessary? Depends, do you have a heartbeat? Then you are alive, and yes, it is necessary.

We are all filled with love and we cannot be biased and penny-pinching with our love. There is not going to be an end in time where love is going to be used as a currency. So why are you still holding onto it like it's your mother's wedding ring? Or your father's signed baseball?

"Do not be afraid" that line is used many times in the bible by angels, God and Jesus, so I think this is a very appropriate place to say this to you. Many people are afraid of loving people because they have a perverted understanding for love. A definition that has been shoved into our minds by society and media galore.

So… WHAT is love?!?! Love is not holding hands with someone. Love is not a word, and love is NOT sex. Love is not the thing society has perverted so to the point where it is a physical thing; Love is a feeling, and like anger, happiness and sadness, we can never describe it, no amount of words will ever be able to sum it all up. Love is a condition of the heart, a satisfaction our bodies yearn for constantly. Love is programmed into our hearts by none other than God, it was there on your first day alive and it will be with you forever into eternity, You just need to harvest it.

How? We do a little spring cleaning. Clean out the garbage and junk in our hearts that has hidden our love, the stereotypes, prejudices, and all the unforgivin tales in our pasts. And when we can do that, we can then truly love others, love through words and actions. For the mouth speaks what the heart feels, and the body acts on the movements of the heart, so when our hearts are clean, hold on to something because the change is going to be amazing. So maybe we can all do a little cleaning? I'm not going to say this will be easy, but, I am going to tell you that the rewards will be endless.

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