Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Starry Ocean

January 8, 2011

A Starry Ocean

After more than 20 trips across the largest ocean on our planet I never noticed until now how beautiful of a scene the ocean can be from 38,000 feet. I don’t know if it was my particularly relaxed state of mind that is resulted from the effect of finishing a book or perhaps it’s the opposite. After zero sleep perhaps, as its been noted throughout history that people often see the obvious only once they exhaust their brain to the point where merely the simplicity of beauty can be seen.
            People say the sky is blue because it reflects the ocean; although this statement is grossly wrong, it is the reason why I write this. The sky and the ocean. The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water. Incredible is its vastness, as equally dangerous, it is beautiful.  From 38,000 feet it looks as calm as a two-dimensional picture of different hues of blue. Each cloud casts its own unique shade down upon the ocean’s surface. Beyond this, if you focus on the smaller details you can see the white heads of the sea, indicated that it is more than a flat blue slate. These dots are of most interest to me. Each white speck different from the next, some bigger, some more vividly white. Then, it hit me. I was looking at the most beautiful of starry nights but from a most unique perception. It was as if there was a point where the mirror starts and I could look down and see the most gorgeous art work and then wait until sundown simply to adjust my gaze upward for the same artwork, just on a different canvas.
The sight from the plane brings about the familiar sense of feeling small when contemplating the awesome view so far below me. It’s sights like these that God reminds me of His presence everywhere. Only once you strip everything away are you able to revert back to the raw beauty of it all. Many of us live a lifestyle pursuing perfection. What is more perfect than nature? Evolution has taken away errors and flaws making each event perfectly perfect for that moment in time. A few of nature’s treasures including ecosystems, vast oceans, sunsets, a clear night sky illuminated by the moon alone all perfect in their own setting. All these speak countless stories, stories of the most courageous, bold, beautiful and love. It becomes sad only when we as individuals, condition ourselves to such events. No longer is our appreciation given to such simple, yet powerful views. Hope can be found in knowing that these said events can be seen at any moment.
            Knowing that happiness is constantly at our disposal allows us to forever have hope. Hope leads to faith which then, and only then, allows the invisible to come to light, the inaudible become detectable, and the restlessness of our hearts relax

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